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Days of Being Wild

2019 Group Project

An elderly Afro-Cuban woman looks back on the romance of her youth. Story and some shot design inspired by Wong Kar-Wai’s film of the same name.

Days of Being Wild

Days of Being Wild

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My main role was the producer of the film. I managed workflow, compiled animatic's and visual development with notes for the group. I also managed group interactions and provide food. And when I had time I also filled in for various roles to help brainstorm and guide the team during storyboarding, animating, and character designing!


This project was my first stab at filling a producer role, and it was and adventure of trying to be firm in a leadership position while dealing with team conflicts while also keeping team moral high. It was only due my past military experience that I was able to manage the balancing act!


Character concepts done in photoshop


sketch done with ink and copic markers


Character concepts done in photoshop

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