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Event Horizon

Collaborative Senior Film 2020

In June of 2020, the film "Event Horizon" won the gold award in the SCAD Senior Showcases. This competition included all animated films created by SCAD seniors from the Savannah, Atlanta, and Hong Kong campuses. 


I didn't start off as the producer of the film but somehow I ended up as the mom of the group. And fully took on the producer role. I managed workflow, compiled animatic's and visual development with notes for the group. I also managed group interactions and provide food. And when I had time I also filled in for various roles to help brainstorm and guide the team during storyboarding, animating, and character designing!

Event Horizon

Event Horizon

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These are a series of schedules that I created for the film "Event Horizon". I was also responsible for updating these schedules four times a week to keep track of production progress. 

My contribution with early Claire & Ansel visdev


Background done by Ian Mansfield

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